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Point Blank Gym Ladies BJJ

Posted by Conor D on
Point Blank Gym Ladies BJJ

So we got to spend some time with the impressive Olga Lyashevska in Galway's Point Blank Gym recently- she is a BJJ and Judo black belt who runs the ladies classes there and judging by the metric tonne of competition medals she showed us during our interview, she knows her stuff when it comes to grappling! In total we got to spend three days with the Point Blank folks- all of whom are super nice and friendly- you really wouldn't know they are experts in strangling people! We got some great footage of the ladies class with Olga coaching everyone on armbars during their Wednesday class, and a fantastic interview with Olga the next day where she spoke about everything from competing to coaching to refereeing in BJJ. Then finally we returned for the Friday class to get some nice slow mo shots for good measure. Here's how it turned out:

You can also check it out over on our Youtube channel and feel free to subscribe if you like! 
There have been talks of another video featuring the Point Blank Gym family too, so be sure to look out for that. We're excited to work with them again! In the meantime, you can find out more about the gym at :)

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